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Easy Strippable: A new way to dismantle cables
Mar 15, 2022
A new way to dismantle cables: Easy and save
Nexans' installation cables are now equipped with an Easy Strippable outer sheath. The PVC installation cables YMvK Dca-s2 and the halogen-free cables Alsecure® YMz1K Cca and Alsecure® YMz1K B2ca are from now on provided with this Easy strippable sheath.
With Nexans Easy Strippable, you can strip cables in no time.
Time loss due to difficult to strip cables belongs to the past
If the sheath of a cable is difficult to strip, it will cost you extra time. The sheath can stick to the conductors, so that you can only dismantle short pieces. Sometimes you even need to remove the filling piece by piece between the conductors. Safety is key. Therefore, you must be careful when dismantling. If you cut too deeply, you risk damaging the insulation, which is unsafe.
Therefore, under the motto "Enjoy your day at work" Nexans engineers set to work to modify the cables. Thanks to this research the strippability of the cables could be improved. The Nexans' installation cables are now truly Easy Strippable.
The advantages of Nexans' Easy Strippable
You save time: With one cut, you can dismantle up to 1 meter, without further tools. This reduces the time needed by over 90%. You can strip and connect the wires immediately.
You work safely: You only have to cut once all around the sheath to get it loose, so you have less risk of cutting into the insulation. This makes it much safer to use.
No surprises during inspection: With Nexans Easy Strippable, you can be sure of the correct fire performance Dca-s2,d2,a3, Cca-s1,d1,a1 and B2ca-s1,d1,a1.
Easy Strippable: Stripping in no time
1. Cut the mantle all around to the desired length, and that may be as much as 60cm or even 100cm!
2. Give a small kink on the cut
3. Remove the cable sheath over the entire length in just a jiffy!
Product range Easy Strippable
When you have to connect multiple ends of installation cable, you want to work efficiently and quickly and not lose time with awkwardly removing sheathing.
Discover our offer in Easy Strippable installation cable:
- YMvK Dca-s2 Easy strippable
- Alsecure® YMz1K Cca Easy Strippable
- Alsecure® YMz1K B2ca Easy strippable
Easy Strippable is also available on our convenient packaging Nbox and MOBIWAY™.
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